The correct way to open the abdominal muscles in the abdomen wheel training?

What we are going to discuss today is to use the abdominal wheel to exercise the abdomen. You must make every movement right. If your movements are incorrect, it is best not to include him in the training. So how to use the abdomen wheel to train the abdominal muscles correctly? And three very useful abdominal training!

If you don’t know how to use the abdomen wheel, it’s best not to use it. There are two reasons, because at best you are wasting time, and at worst, this action will hurt your lower back. This is the worst result among them.

But if your movements are correct, then this is a very suitable training for you. What you need to pay attention to is to understand the three different parts. The first is the preparation movement, the second is the execution phase, and the third is Pull the abdomen chakra back to you.


In the above three parts, basically all training actions can be distinguished in this way, so we will explain each part. When you are ready to do this action, the first thing you need to do is to pay attention to the posture of your back and buttocks.

The key to the problem is that others will suggest that you keep your back in a straight line. When you do this, you originally hoped that you could exercise your abdominal muscles, but this kind of action will affect muscle stretching, but muscle stretching is very important for this. Movements are very important. Basically, only the back muscles will be used to straighten the back.

In fact, this exercise is also good for back training, especially when you are at home and there is no way to train with weights, but this is not the focus of this exercise. We don’t want to use straight arms to train the back muscles, we want to develop The strength of the core muscles.

We know that the core muscles have a function to bend the spine, but this does not mean that we want to bend the lumbar spine excessively, so we have to adopt a cat-camel motion to retract the upper abdomen and adjust the posture of the chest at the same time. The body can be stable.

Then you can enter the second part to complete the exercise of the abdomen wheel. What you should pay attention to is that it is within the range of motion that you can control. Because the main purpose now is to keep the core muscles in a tight state while avoiding excessive extension of the spine, because this will cause damage to the lumbar spine.

Therefore, our movements should be controlled within the controllable range. For beginners, you may only be able to use a small range of movements. For advanced people, you can push to a farther position. In fact, you still Can stay at the farthest point for a short period of time.

The key is to ensure that the abdomen can maintain tightness, the lower back posture is not deformed, and the tightness must be maintained from head to tail. When you come back, your hips should not exceed your knees, and your abdominal muscles are contracting vigorously.

After understanding the correct way to open the abdomen wheel, we also suggest that novices should learn from the basic movements, because your abdominal strength is not enough to complete the exercise of the abdomen wheel, so below we recommend three great Abdominal training, let's take a look!


Action 1: Lie on your back and raise your leg

Lie on your back on the floor mat, grasp the edge of the mat with both hands to complete, raise your legs 15 times in each group, and complete three groups in total.

Action two: mountain run

One minute is one set, three sets are enough.

Action 3: Dumbbell rotation

This exercise is the external oblique muscles. Each group turns fifteen times, and one back and forth on each side counts once. There are three groups in total.

Post time: Oct-18-2021