5 kinds of commonly used yoga aids

Yoga AIDS is originally invented to allow beginners with limited bodies to enjoy yoga. And let them learn yoga step by step. In yoga practice, we need to use yoga AIDS scientifically. It can not only help us to complete the progress in asanas, but also avoid unnecessary injuries. Take your yoga practice to the next level safely and efficiently. 

Commonly used yoga auxiliary: yoga mat, yoga block, yoga belt, yoga ball, yoga column, etc. Let's have a look.

Yoga mat

A yoga mat is necessary equipment for yoga practice. It has the characteristics of protection, water absorption, sterilization, anti-slip, and massage. Besides, yoga MATS can protect the spine, hip bones, knees, elbows, and other areas that often touch the ground. Yoga MATS protect the spine, hip bones, knees, elbows, and other areas that often touch the ground.

On the choice, yoga mat length should not be shorter than height, width is not be shoulder width. General primary yoga practitioners can choose a thicker mat, such as 6-8mm thickness. It can preliminarily adapt and protect the body. Advanced practitioners can choose a thickness of about 3-6mm. This is also the most common thickness on the market. Experienced practitioners will choose 1.5-3mm thin pads. It can sense the ground enough to keep its movements stable. Of course, practitioners can choose the right one according to different needs.

Yoga bricks

Yoga brick is a tool for beginner yoga practitioners and those with poor flexibility. It can help adjust the posture and assist the body to achieve certain movements. Yoga bricks can help us support different parts of the body. If you don't have yoga bricks, use thicker books instead. You can use bricks to make transitions when you're doing basic yoga poses like front poses where your hands can't reach the floor. When doing half moon type, when grasp balance is not stable enough, can use brick transition.

Yoga stretch bands

Yoga stretches are used to increase the length and position of the body. This can deepen the depth of asanas and relax the body. Examples include the bull face, the sitting stand, and the forward bend, all of which use stretching bands to add length.
The stretch belt, also known as yoga rope, is not elastic. Besides, it helps the muscles and bones stretch and extend the length of posture. It also fastens the body with an extension strap, freeing both hands for more extended motion. Choose the extension to belt the best choice of this double buckle type. Beginners are not familiar with or unable to achieve general yoga movements. If you add some auxiliary tools, and the guidance of a yoga teacher, you can be more comfortable! It can be used as a foot lift or waist support when practicing waist bend or leg extension.

Yoga balls

A yoga ball also known as a fitness ball is a kind of ball sports tool with sports fitness. It can improve the body's sense of balance and muscle control, thus improving flexibility and coordination. It also stretches the body and increases the endurance of the limbs and spine. A yoga ball is a great exercise for balance, stability, and core.

Yoga columns

The yoga column also called the "foam axis" is made of EVA/PVC and other materials. Its hardness is moderate, suitable for beginners and people who have worked out for some time. Currently, it is widely used in relaxation, warming up, and core muscle training. It improves the ductility of soft tissue and has the effect of stretching muscles. Massage can release muscle fascia tension and eliminate muscle pain.

In fact, besides the above small equipment aids, outside of Yoga, the best use is the wall, the wall is the best teacher of yoga.

Post time: Sep-22-2022