8 Hip Band Exercises to Work Your Glutes

Using china hip band exercises wilkeep your back tight and toned. It also helps to protect the lower back and develop proper body posture. We've rounded up the top 8 hip band exercises for you. If you want to see real, tangible results, complete 2-3 glute workouts per week. In just a few months, wilstart to see some exciting results.

Hip Band

1. Lying Side Leg Raises
Lying Side Leg Raises are a great way to build strength in the laterathighs and hip abductors (both gluteus medius and gluteus minimus).

• Wrap the resistance band around your ankle, lie down on one side, and stack your feet on the other side.
• Bend the arm closest to the floor at a 90-degree angle with the forearm on the floor and the hand at ear leveto support the head.
• Place the other arm on your abdomen with your palm on the floor.
• Tighten your core and steadily lift your upper leg to the ceiling with your hips stacked. Hold for one second, then return your leg to its originaposition.
• Repeat 15-20 times, then switch to the other leg and repeat.

2. Hip Bridge with Pulse
Performing any type of bridge exercise directly strengthens the gluteamuscles - gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus - as welas the hamstrings.

• Put a hip strap around your thighs.
• Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor at hip-width apart.
• Squeeze your hips and core while raising them a few inches off the floor.
• Hold on and work to push your knees away from each other.
• Slowly pulyour knees in and repeat 1 time. Continue to bring your knees together and apart without lowering your hips. Complete 15-20 reps.

3. Kneeling Banded Kickbacks
The back of the band targets the hips, helping to improve muscle strength and tone. This exercise also promotes core stability and balance and helps shape the hips, legs, and thighs.

• Start on alfours on alknees with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart.
• Wrap a resistance band around your legs. Secure the band to the floor below the knee with the static leg and place the band above the knee with the working leg.
• Kick your legs back slowly, squeezing your glutes to straighten your legs.
• Hold this position and return to the starting. Repeat 15-20 times, then switch sides.

4. Single Leg Deadlift
The one-leg deadlift works your hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and gluteus medius. They also help challenge foot, hip, and trunk stability.

• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, one foot on the elastic band, and hold the other end with both hands.
• Stagger the other foot back slightly as shown in the picture above.
• Keeping your legs and back straight and hips extended, straighten your hips and stand straight with a slight bend in your knees.
• Come back slowly and repeat 15-20 times. Do the same exercise on the other side.

5. Squat
Squats are one of the best totabody exercises and are great for shaping a toned butt. Not only do they help strengthen your glute muscles, they also improve core strength and work the quads, hamstrings, calves, and lower back.

• Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and a resistance band above your knees. Your toes should be slightly outward.
• Bend your knees and slowly push your hips back into a seated position.
• Continue lowering your body untiyour thighs are paralleto the floor. Keep your knees at a 90-degree Angle.
• Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lift back up to the starting position. Perform 15-20 reps.

6. Leg Side Abduction
The hip abductors are important but often overlooked muscles that allow us to stand, walk and rotate our legs with ease. Leg-side abduction exercises can help achieve a tight and toned back while helping to prevent and treat hip and knee pain.

• Wrap a resistance band around the underside of your knee and stand up straight.
• If your balance isn't great, grab a sturdy object like a chair or put your hands on the wal(don't rely on this - keeping your balance wilincrease muscle strength throughout your body).
• Raise one leg and lift it outward from the side of your body. Pause, then return to the starting position.
• Repeat 15-20 times. Do the same exercise on the other side.

7. Kick Butt Extension
The Kick Butt Extension helps exercise the hip flexors, adductors, and quadriceps, helping to make the back stronger and more proportionate.

• Surround your feet with a resistance band. Lie flat on your back with your legs straight and your arms flat on your sides.
• Bend your right knee to your chest and place your right foot in the center of the resistance band (try placing the band along the arch of your foot to keep it in place).
• Take your left leg slightly off the ground. Extend your right leg again at a 45-degree angle and place it back onto your chest.
• Repeat 15-20 times, then switch to the left leg and do the same exercise.

8. Jump Squat
Jump squats wilincrease explosive power, improve upper and lower body strength, and burn calories faster than regular squats.

• Put a resistance band on your thighs directly above your knees.
• Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Do a regular self-weight squat by referring to the squats on the line.
• Start in the lowest squat position and jump explosively. Then stretch your legs and use your arms to gain momentum.
• Make sure you land on the balls of your feet and absorb the impact created by jumping through both feet. Repeat 15-20 times.

With these 8 hip resistance band glute exercises, you can build a more toned butt and burn enough calories to turn it into a full-body workout.

Post time: Nov-14-2022